A Level Biology

TFF Tutors offers both private and joint class tuition for AS and A Level students committed to achieving the best grades in their Biology A Levels.

Whether it’s Medical Science, Biomedical Sciences, Forensic Science, Nursing, Sports Science or a vast number of other career paths that pupils wish to pursue, we understand that attaining the best results at A Level Biology is a huge step in the right direction.

Therefore we are committed to guaranteeing students are well equipped with the tools and knowledge to help them make the best decision to further their careers post A Levels.

Online A Level Biology Tutors

A level Biology is no ‘walk in the park’ and students often feel the pressure, however our online tutors serve to help relieve the stress for AS and A Level Biology students by ensuring an enjoyable and engaging learning environment is created. 

With over 20 years of teaching experience at TFF Tutors, we have found that providing students with a fun and interactive learning environment is key to their development and growth. For this reason, our online tutors are dedicated to building the perfect learning

Private tuition

This is why we offer both open classes – with multiple students from across the UK tuned in to learn – as well as private tuition services.

We opted to provide both services because we understand that with the global pandemic forcing many pupils out of classrooms for nearly a year, it has been difficult for some students to adjust to online learning.

Therefore our private tuition lessons ensure those students are given the focus and attention they deserve, helping them transition to online learning whilst maintaining their performance.Your child is our online tutors only priority.

We have found that students typically perform better in this environment because both student and tutor join together to create more personalised lesson plans, specifically designed around the strengths and challenges of the student. This results in increased engagement and greater productivity.

a level tuition london

What skills will you develop with A Level Biology?


Developing a hypothesis, setting up experiments to test your hypothesis, assessing the results,  analysing your results against previous data and determining whether the results match your hypothesis is foundational to Biology. Investigative work is what has led to significant biological advancements in the past century, building on our understanding of organisms and their behaviours. Therefore, an a level biology will develop and enhance your investigative skills


Research skills include the ability to gather information about your topic, review that information then analyze and interpret the information in a manner that brings us to a solution or conclusion.

Problem Solving

Constantly faced with new challenges, A level Biology will strengthen your ability to identify alternative ways of solving problems. What works in one place will not necessarily work in another, therefore you must be able to adapt your approach. 

Writing Reports

Identifying who and why you are writing a report is critical to knowing how to best format and detail the report. Conducting experiments is key to developing our Biological understanding but you must be able to report what you found to pass this information on.

Clear Communication

Biology is a study of organisms and their processes and this involves a lot of technical terminology. Understanding the terms is one thing but knowing how to communicate these clearly is another. A level Biology will develop your written skills so you can effectively communicate.

What Career path does an A Level Biology open to me?

Those with an interest in Biology usually go on to study one of the following degrees at University or equivalent: Biomedical Sciences, Dentistry, Surgery, Forensic Science, Medical Sciences or Veterinary Science. It is a particularly good choice for people who want to pursue a career in health and clinical professions. 

A qualification in the above opens opportunities into various career paths, including: